jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

Activity 4

Go back home
Time's come, you must leave the rainforest. It's OK if you enjoyed your time here, but times come. You'll need to leave signals to guide a rescue group to your position. There are many good places to stay while you wait. In the list, the best place is the top of a hill.

Means of signal for help: 

- Long sticks and logs with carved things (using the knife)
- Stones forming a figure
- Drawings in the ground

After that, you'll need to go to the top of a hill and wait for the rescue team to arrive. Take your food and your shelter to the place you're staying for more safety.

Activity 3

Activity 3

Wildlife:Describe the following animals and then ways of preventing their encounter.

Cocodrile: Strong, agile and intelligent, this animal is one of the most dangerous in the rainforest and in the world. This animal can smell a dead member of his specie around 3 kilometres. It has scales that allow it to sense all movements in the water. The way to prevent their encounter is to avoid deep rivers, lakes and all kind of swamps. 

  1. Poison dart frog (Dendrobatidae): These poisonous frogs are common in South and Central America. It is really small, about 1.5 cm. They have kaloid toxins through their skin, which have possibilities to kill you if you don't have good health.To prevent them, you can´t be in so humid places.
Snakes: These long and legless reptile, has (or maybe not, depending the specie) strong poison in it's fangs. Some of them (like the Anacondas or the Constrictors), don't have poison, but they are really long. They use their lenght to squeeze animals to death. Then, they dismantle their jaw. They usually hide in tall grass, so avoid these type of places.

Describe rainforest climate and ways to deal with it.
Most of the time in the rainforest, rain falls (it's called RAINforest for some reason). The best way to deal with it, is using good wood to build your shelter.

First aid: 

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Activity 2

Take into accountExampleWhy?
Places you should avoid Swamps. Because of cocodriles.
A good place to camp On or next to a treeOn a tree, there is more security. Next to a tree, you can quickly climb it if an animal comes closer. 
Materials for the shelter Ingenuity.
Branches, leaves, pine needles and logs.
 These materials, are the best you can find in the jungle. And they are strong if you put them in correct places.

Tips for the nightBe quiet.
Don't snore.
Because wild animals will hear you. 

How to make fire:

If you have packed matches, follow the next steps:

1) Get leaves, dry grass and sticks.

2) Put an amount of them away from your shelter.

3) Light the matches and burn the grass.

4) Enjoy your fire.



List of edible things: 

Plant 1:Arachis Hypogaea (Peanut): A plant originary from South America. They have a strange shape, but they are edible. After the Columbian Exchange, it spread all over the world.
Plant 2: Ananas Comosus (Pineapple):Pineapples are one the world’s most popular fruits. They have origins in Brazil end Paraguay. After the Columbian Exchange, they spread all over the world. They grow with hot climate. The Guaraní tribe used the word Ananas to name this plante, when the Europeans arrived, they used the word "Pineapple".

Animal 1: Monkeys, an animal that lives in jungles and rainforests. It has a long tail to balance. In Charles Darwin's theory, we descend from monkeys. Darwin was wrong, we are "cousins" from monkeys. They are usually brown, but there are other types of monkeys, like the gorillas, the orang-utans, the baboon (the one with red butt) and even more. Using the knife, you can throw it quickly to the monkey and kill him/her. You cut the skin and the hairs and ready.

Animal 2: Alligators, a type of cocodrile, it lives in rivers and lakes. It has the incredible jaw power of a cocodrile. To kill it, you can stab him/her until they meet their doom. You need to stabb it hardly, because of their hard scales. When they die, you need to cut their scales and the skin. You can use them for something useful (like clothes), or leave them to oblivion.

Poisonous plants: Stringing tree, Caladium, and Curare.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

List of  water sources:                                             

  1. Waterfalls
  2. Rivers
  3. Lakes
  4. Aquifers
  5. Swamps
Way of purifying water:
Boil the water for three minutes, then, let it settle for at least 12 hours. Finally, sift it through a piece of cloth before drinking it.

Answers for the article "Searching for water"

a) Because of the diseases you might catch such as dysentery, typhoid and even cholera.
b) You will die. You can only survive for three days if you don't drink water.
c) You should avoid drinking water in swamps.




Knife: To cut thorns that are around and defend yourself from any wild animals.
Compass: To know where we are and where are we going.
Matches: To light a fire and survive.